A Step towards Distinction between Supervisory Impulsive and Strategic Abuse
In this article, the researcher proposed a theoretical frame work of supervisory impulsive and strategic abuse. Sofor majority of the literature had focused on the supervisory impulsive abuse and its effects on employee’spersonal and/or professional life while the supervisory strategic abuse have enormously been ignored in theliterature. The theoretical frame work offered in this paper will help to identify the boundary line between thesetwo sub-types of abusive supervision. The researcher tried to clarify, with the help of existing literature,boundaries among the sub-types of the construct of abusive supervision e.g. supervisory impulsive and strategicabuse and integrate it into a theoretical model that helps to understand the manifestation of supervisory abusivebehaviour in terms of its strategic and impulsive abuse. Further its effects on employee’s morale have also beendiscussed in its theoretical model. Future research directions have also been discussed in this paper.