Information Processing of Text in the System of Teaching Languages at Technical HEIs
- Ospanova Bikesh Revovna
- Azimbayeva Zhanat Amantayevna
- Timokhina Tatyana Vladimirovna
The present day level of the society informatization makes high demands on the level of information competenceof specialists in all spheres, and one of the basic abilities lying in the basis of any professional activity is theability to work with the text material. Today a specialist has to process great volumes of professional information.When working with special literature: scientific, technical, economic, juridical and other, a specialist is not onlyto quickly and correctly orient himself in the content but to possess the art of the information text processing.The aim of the text information processing is extracting useful and valuable information concerning a concreteproblem, interpreting the content into more or less detailed form, depending on the practical value of informationand its further use needs.One of the key competences that are formed in practical classes at language departments when working withtexts is a communicative competence supposing student’s ability to interact with a text, to perceive informationand to interpret it adequately, to develop an own statement. The problems arising in forming this competence areconnected with the gap between the acquiring of theoretical base and forming of practical abilities and skills.Thus, the novelty of the study consists in the fact that there was undertaken an attempt to develop a methodologyof working with a text in practical classes; it is necessary to teach working with information in the texts: to forma competence that supposes the ability to extract information, to analyze, to transform it, to use for solvingproblems.