Grammatical and Communicative Method - A New Approach in the Practice of Teaching Foreign Languages
- Tatyana Vasilyevna Lyubova
- Albina Anvarovna Bilyalova
- Olga Gennadevna Evgrafova
The article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of different methods of teaching foreign languages. Anew unique method of teaching foreign languages - grammar and communicative is developed and described.The purpose of this article is a detailed review of the existing diversity of methods of teaching foreign languagesin Russia and presentation of the new one - the grammatical and communicative. Recently, learning a foreignlanguage in Russia by the people of different professions has become a necessity due to the rapid growth ofcontacts with foreign partners. In the process of close cooperation the situations that require training andinternships abroad arise, and as a consequence - an indispensable international certification in English. Thisimplies the international exams - TOEFL (Test of English as Foreign Language) or IELTS (International EnglishLanguage Testing System). It is reported that modern teaching methods have various disadvantages, the mainone is the lack of the grammatical material study. The author has developed a grammatical and communicativemethod and new tutorial which can help to solve this problem successfully. A more comprehensive and in-depthstudy of grammar is encouraged for students and professionals in order to pass exams for internationalcertification and for further education and training abroad.