A Review on the Trends and Ethical Issues of Labour Migration from Asia and the Pacific
- Dorji Wangchuk
- Wanchai Dhammasaccakarn
- Yenten Jamtsho
- Kelzang Dorji
Labour migration is a phenomenon, which is not motionless; rather, it amplifies rapidly particularly fromsuperfluous labourer countries to the labourer scarce countries. In the midst of trade liberalization andglobalization reshaping the world’s economy in toto, the labour migration has multiplied additionally. Labourmigration has benefited both the sender and recipient countries. Most significantly, the remittances sent bymigrants from overseas have contributed to the economic development of their countries of origin and the livingstandards of their families have improved progressively. Conversely, the increase in labour migration hasfounded numerous social problems that have threatened the safety of the migrants and their families back athome. Consequently, an instantaneous need has arisen for both sender and recipient countries to actcollaboratively in formulating policies regarding the migrants’ intrinsic needs and therefore ensuring thesustainability of labour migration in the future.