The Matan and Sanad Criticisms in Evaluating the Hadith
- Tuan Mohd Sapuan Tuan Ismail
- Rohaizan Baru
- Ahmad Fauzi Hassan
- Ahmad Zahid bin Salleh
- Mohd Fauzi Mohd Amin
Knowledge on the classification (mustalah) and sciences (ulum) of the al-Hadith that has long existed is theplatform for religious scholars to debate the preservation and safeguarding of the originality and authenticity ofthe Prophet’s SAW hadith. The topic is to determine whether to accept or reject the circumstances surroundingthe chain of narrators (sanad) and the text of the hadith (matan). The evaluation of a hadith is made based on thesanad and matan criticisms. What is the relationship between these two aspects and to what degree does the roleand significance of these two aspects affect the evaluation of a hadith, notwithstanding the criteria needed byparties that intend to evaluate the hadith? Hence, these are some of the questions that reflect the issues in thisarticle. This brief study on the writings by experts in the field has produced a few latent points that can besummarised as; the criticisms of the sanad and matan had begun since the time of the Prophet’s SAWcompanions although criticisms on the matan took preference and dominance due to the need at that moment intime. In the context of evaluating the hadith, both these aspects need to be jointly criticized and not in a separatecontext. At times, the hadith might have been authenticated based on the sanad, nevertheless criticism of thematan would still be initiated to ascertain that the text of the hadith is safe from contradictory facts or void of anyhidden flaws.