Causes of Domestic Violence between Thai Muslim Married Couples in Satun Province
The objectives of this qualitative study were to investigate causes of domestic violence between Thai Muslimmarried couples in Satun Province. The data were collected through in-depth interviews with three groups of keyinformants in Satun Province consisting of 1) twenty women facing domestic violence who were admitted inSatun Hospital through the One Stop Crisis Center (OSCC), 2) fifteen married husbands and wives usingdomestic violence recommended by the Community Mosque Committee, and 3) ten religious leaders. To analyzethe data, content analysis was performed using logical comparison with concepts, theories, and research coupledwith the context. It was found that domestic violence between Thai Muslim married couples in Satun Provincestemmed from five important causes. 1) jealousy and suspicions, 2) alcohol and drug abuse, 3) lack of physicaland mental readiness for building their own family, 4) lack of activities contributing to caring and understandingin the family, and 5) husbands’ values and belief in male dominance.