The Situations of Sole Proprietorship, E-Commerce Entrepreneurs and Trends in Their E-commerce: A Case Study in Thailand
- Pattarawadee Permwanichagun
- Sumeth Kaenmanee
- Aree Naipinit
- Thongphon Promsaka Na Sakolnakorn
The aim of this study is to examine the situations of sole proprietorship, e-commerce entrepreneurs and trends intheir e-commerce. This study uses a mixed-method quantitative and qualitative approach for collecting the data.The study finds that most sole proprietorships in e-commerce are owned females between 31 and 40 years oldwho are educated with a Bachelor’s degree (63.16%) and draw an income of 40,001–50,000 bahts per month(approximate $1 USD = 33 bahts). Most of these sole proprietorships (66.59%) are located in the central part ofThailand. These entrepreneurs spend more than eight hours a day on their businesses and supply their productsby themselves. However, most of the problems faced by these sole proprietorship, e-commerce entrepreneursinvolve the cost for investment in the business and the knowledge that is required in order to be an entrepreneur.Nevertheless, the trend toward sole proprietorship, e-commerce entrepreneurs in Thailand will increase with theadaptation of mobile-commerce in Thai society.