International Mindedness and ‘Social Control’
This research project explored effective ways of developing international mindedness. International mindedness is a term that now appears in the mission statement of many international schools yet there is a need for a clearer account of ways in which to develop internationally minded students. Many teachers and researchers leave the development of international mindedness to fate. However, external and internal forces such as planning, school practices and rituals, each teacher’s own actions, attitudes and behaviours, can all work to inhibit or foster the development of international mindedness in students. This paper discusses some of the outcomes from this recent research project focusing in particular on the positive implications inquiry learning can have on the development of international mindedness in an International Baccalaureate school implementing the Primary Years Program. It is argued that through inquiry learning and other processes in the curriculum, assessment and pedagogy, international schools can achieve the goals of their mission statement in a way that allows each student to come to their own realisation of international mindedness.