The Influence of Multiple Intelligence Approach on the Physical Education Learning towards for Character Improvement
This research is aimed to know the influence of the learning methods using the multiple intelligence approach towards the learning outcomes of early childhood students. This research uses the pre-experimental research design using static group comparison. The population was kindergarten children in Pasuruhan, Kediri, Blitar, Malang, Batu, Malang Region, consisted of 36 kindergarten schools, with the samples taken of 240 children from 12 kindergartens. The analysis uses one way ANOVA, with F value is set at the significant level ? = 0.05. Results show that learning methods using the multiple intelligence approach significantly influence (F=3.818, p<0.05) student‘s learning outcomes. Further analysis also show that there are significant influences on aspects of assesment of the learning outcomes on the areas of society development and environment (F.= 60.636, p<0.05), creativity (F=50.957, p<0.05) and physical and health development (F=51.979, p<0.05).