Programme Outcomes Assessment Models in Engineering Faculties
- Abdul Wahab Mohammad
- Azami Zaharim
Malaysia is currently a member of Washington Accord which recognises substantial equivalence in the accreditation of qualifications for engineering programme among member countries. Under this agreement, assessment of programme outcomes (PO) is now mandatory for all engineering programmes in Malaysia. However, the typical PO assessment model practised by many engineering programmes resulted in vague assessment methods and as a result failed to show concrete continual quality improvement (CQI). The major issues with the model are with regard to the aspect of unclear performance criteria, grades as measurement indicators, lack of evidence, detached used of indirect methods and unclear CQI. A new model which is more holistic and based on looking at each PO as a major thrust with specific performance criteria is proposed. It is expected that the new model will allow one to objectively evaluate whether the students have achieved the criteria, subsequently facilitating CQI implementation within the programme and produced quality engineering graduates.