The Elements of Behavioral Control in Facilitating the Acceptance of Technological Innovation on Malaysia On-line Government Services
- Maizatul Haizan Mahbob
- Wan Idros Wan Sulaiman
- Wan Amizah Wan Mahmud
- Normah Mustaffa
- Mohd Yusof Abdullah
This article discusses the elements of behavioral control in facilitating the intention of an execution of a particular action. There are two elements to be focused namely self efficacy and facilitating condition. To identify the extent to which behavioral control and the two elements influence one's actions, a survey of 232 respondents was conducted on residents in the Klang Valley. By using SEM analysis, a model of the acceptance of innovation (e-service) was formed. Focusing specially on behavioral control, the model found that this factor has a significant influence on adoption behavior (? = .67; p <.01). Elements of self-efficacy and facilitating condition have a significant influence on behavioral control, with self-efficacy having a greater influence (? = .76; p <. 01) on behavioral control compared to facilitating condition (? = .16; p <.01 ).