The Characteristics of Literacy Management in School Literacy Movement (SLM) at Junior High School in Malang - Indonesia

  •  Yuni Pantiwati    
  •  Fendy Hardian Permana    
  •  Tuti Kusniarti    
  •  Fuad Jaya Miharja    


This study aims to evaluate the implementation of the school literacy movement (SLM) program in junior high schools in Malang, East Java, Indonesia. The evaluation includes three stages of SLM: the stage of habituation, development, and learning. This study was an evaluative study using the CIPP model (context, input, process, and product) and used a qualitative descriptive approach. The sample unit consisted of 12 schools, with a category of nine public schools and three private schools. The schools were selected using a purposive random sampling technique. The research sample consisted of teachers, principals, and education personnel. Methods of data collection through observation, interviews, and examination of program implementation documents. Data analysis uses the Miles and Huberman model which consists of data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing, while the formulation of strategic steps uses the calculation of internal strategic factors (IFAS) and external strategic factors (EFAS). The results showed that the implementation of new literacy at the habituation and development stage had not yet reached the learning stage. However, IFAS and EFAS values are 3.34 and 3.39, respectively. These results indicate that the development of the literacy program still has many weaknesses (<5.00) and needs intensive efforts in order to increase student literacy.

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