Five Errors that Have Never Been Discussed Over the Theory of Special Relativity
- Sean Yuxiang Wu
We discuss special relativity from the following five aspects that none of them was discussed before:
1. Einstein discussed special relativity extensively using a system that was not a relative system.
2. The synchronous transfer rule defined by Einstein is wrong.
3. The physical model (rays in inertial motion relative to a rigid rod) used by Einstein to derive the special theory of relativity was wrong, and the resulting mathematical model (Lorentz transformation, etc.) was also incorrect.
4. Countless contradictory calculation results caused by passive relativity.
5. Why did Einstein repeatedly emphasize that there is no “relative system that maintains absolute simultaneity?” Why people cannot find a relative system maintaining absolute simultaneity before? We proved countless relativistic systems maintain absolute simultaneity.
- Full Text: PDF
- DOI:10.5539/apr.v16n1p87
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