JFR, Vol. 14, No. 2, August 2025: Call for Papers
Posted on Jan 2, 2025 Journal of Food Research (JFR) is calling for papers for the Vol. 14, No. 2, 2025 issue (Deadline: July 1, 2025). Read More
JFR Indexed in ERA
Posted on Jul 5, 2019 Journal of Food Research (JFR) has been indexed in ERA, Excellence in Research for Australia, Australia’s national research evaluation framework. ERA identifies and promotes excellence across the full spectrum of research activity in Australia’s higher ed Read More
Policy Change of Free Print Journals
Posted on Jan 25, 2018 As you are aware, printing and delivery of journals results in causing a significant amount of detrimental impact to the environment. Being a responsible publisher and being considerate for the envi.. Read More
Current: Vol. 14, No. 1 (2025)
- Asian Carp: Generation Z prefer Transparency over Branding
- Sylvia Smith
- Dawn Richards
- Madison Baur
- p1
- Yacon Prebiotic Functional Beverages, the Sensory, Antioxidant Profiles, and Shelf Stability
- Mary R. Yan
- Keegan Chessum
- Saleshni Nand
- Rothman Kam
- p13
- Perspectives of Food Safety Challenges of Selected Food Commodities in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Review
- Mercy Mukuma
- Vincent Nyau
- Lukonde Mwelwa-Zgambo
- Chiza Kumwenda
- John Shindano
- Twambo Hachibamba
- Aubrey Sadoki
- p23
- Relationship Between Aflatoxins Occurrence in Brazil Nuts and the Good Management Practices
- Maria L. Vinhote
- Henrique dos S. Pereira
- Eriton G. Rubem
- Ariane M. Kluczkovski
- Janaina Barroncas
- Heloisa Barros
- Eirie G. Vinhote
- David F. S. Guimaraes
- p34
- Changes in Protease Activity of Ginger Rhizome during Postharvest Storage
- Kazunobu Tsumura
- Norihiro Yamada
- p42
- Controlling the Traditional Fermentation Process for the Production of “attiéké” in Dabou (Côte d’Ivoire)
- Pierre Martial Thierry Akely
- Aissatou Coulibaly
- Abouo NGuessan Verdier
- Yapi Elisee Kouakoua
- NGuessan Georges Amani
- p48
- Grilling Meat Technology and Sanitary Risk along the Production Chain in Chad
- Denis Erbi
- Abdelsalam A. Doutoum
- Hama Cisse
- Hamadou Abba
- Aly Savadogo
- p59
- Effects of Cricket Powder on Growth Performance, Carcass Traits, Pork Quality, Physicochemical, and Sensory Analyses of Finishing Swine
- Wannee Tangkham
- Oanh Vuong
- Duyen Bui
- Thammaradee Nooritthi
- Thomas Shields
- p74
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