Vol. 3, No. 1 (2014), Cancer and Clinical Oncology
- Panoramic Radiobiological Modelling of the Contribution of Concomitant Chemotherapy to Biological Effective Dose in Squamous Cell Carcinoma
- Laura Pettit
- S. Meade
- P. Sanghera
- J. Glaholm
- R. M. Wyatt
- A. Hartley
- p1
- Bcl-2 Family Gene Expression in Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma
- Jeremiah Tracy
- Ian Mukand-Cerro
- Miriam O'Leary
- Nora Laver
- Richard Wein
- p11
- A Retrospective Study of Palliative Cisplatin-Based Doublet Chemotherapy for Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma
- Steffen Sorensen
- Azza Khalil
- Peter Meldgaard
- p16
- Extreme Rare Case of Primary Signet Ring Cell Carcinoma of Gall Bladder-Case Report
- Ranjit Padhiari
- Niyaz Ahmed
- G. P. Praveen
- M. K. Ramesh
- Basavaraj Talwar
- Vishnu Kurpad
- p25
- Cutaneous Melanoma at an Inner City University Program and the Need for Aggressive Public Awareness Programs: A Pilot, Twelve Year Review
- Khurram Tariq
- Arezo Farhangi
- Fauzia Rana
- p30
- Are Cancer Patients Willing to Travel More or Further Away for a Slightly More Efficient Therapy?
- Ph. Groux
- S. Anchisi
- Th. Szucs
- p36
- Lung Cancer Patients Benefit from Second Opinions by Improvement of Diagnosis and Therapy
- Romane Schook
- Marleen ter Avest
- Coralien van Setten
- Frances de Man
- Egbert Smit
- Pieter Postmus
- p43
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Journal Metrics
Google-based Impact Factor (2018): 3.94
h-index (August 2018): 8
i10-index (August 2018): 6
h5-index (August 2018): N/A
h5-median(August 2018): N/A
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- Lexie GreyEditorial Assistant
- cco@ccsenet.org