Extreme Rare Case of Primary Signet Ring Cell Carcinoma of Gall Bladder-Case Report
- Ranjit Padhiari
- Niyaz Ahmed
- G. P. Praveen
- M. K. Ramesh
- Basavaraj Talwar
- Vishnu Kurpad
Primary carcinoma of the gallbladder is an uncommon malignancy with a variable incidence. Women are affected generally than men (3-4:1) with higher incidence in increasing age. The signet ring cell sub type of adenocarcinoma is a rare and aggressive variant carrying worse prognosis. We report a case of primary signet ring cell carcinoma of gallbladder in a 55yr old woman. Ultrasound showed thickened gallbladder with multiple gallstones. Patient underwent open cholecystectomy. Grossly gallbladder was thickened with multiple stones. Histopathological examination revealed sheets of signet ring cells infiltrating full thickness of the wall. H&E, periodic acid–Schiff (PAS), Alcian blue & Cytokeratin 7 stains confirmed presence of signet ring cells. Post-op Endoscopy with biopsy was done to rule out primary in stomach. Early diagnosis and new lines of treatment in chemotherapy or new biological therapy should be encouraged to improve the survival and life quality.
- Full Text: PDF
- DOI:10.5539/cco.v3n1p25
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