Vol. 5, No. 2 (2016), Sustainable Agriculture Research
- Sheep Grazing Enhances Coarse Relative to Microbial Organic Carbon in Dryland Cropping Systems
- Joy Barsotti
- Upendra Sainju
- Andrew Lenssen
- Zach Miller
- Patrick Hatfield
- p1
- Drivers of Dry Common Beans Trade in Lusaka, Zambia: A Trader’s Perspective
- Timothy Sichilima
- Lawrence Mapemba
- Gelson Tembo
- p15
- Seed Delivery Systems and Farm Characteristics Influencing the Improved Seed Uptake by Smallholders in Northern Ghana
- Eunice Etwire
- Anoma Ariyawardana
- Miranda Mortlock
- p27
- Climate Variability Since 1970 and Farmers’ Observations in Northern Ghana
- Emmanuel Nyadzi
- p41
- Maize Yield Response to Induced Compaction in a Sandy-Loam Soil
- Asinyetogha Igon
- Josiah Ayotamuno
- p57
- The Influence of Bahiagrass, Tillage, and Cover Crops on Organic Vegetable Production and Soil Quality in the Southern Coastal Plain
- Christine Bliss
- Peter Andersen
- Brent Brodbeck
- David Wright
- Steve Olson
- James Marois
- p65
- Growth Efficacy of Sorghum and Rice Amended with Dried Versus Composted Aquatic Vegetation
- Jehangir Bhadha
- Odiney Alvarez
- Timothy Lang
- Mihai Giurcanu
- Samira Daroub
- p92
- Sustainable Grassland Management: An Exploratory Study of Progressive Ranchers in Nebraska
- Stephanie Kennedy
- Mark Burbach
- Maggi Sliwinski
- p103
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
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