Development of Four-Column Data Storage Model for Data-Manipulation of Greenhouse Gases and Soil Properties
- Bence Matyas
- György Matyas
- Mihaly Szendrei
- Ankit Singla
- Yuhua Kong
- Janos Katai
- Agnes Olah
- Kazuyuki Inubushi
Studies on greenhouse gas emissions and climate change require huge amounts of data. Generally, these data can be inducted directly from measuring devices or from different systems like geographical information systems and other specific systems, which are used for experimental data storage and management. Database technology has come a long way over the years, however even with these advances in technology and the availability of supercomputers processing large amounts of data from different data storage methods is still a challenge. In the present study, one physical data table was generated for data-manipulation and data storage using a web-developed platform. Data storage with four-column usage assures the possibility for continuous refinement during the research processes. It is because of the determination of new variables after the entity identification process.