Germination, Growth and Yield Responses of Leaf Amaranth (Amaranthus hybridus) to Rates and Times of Poultry Manure Application
- Folasade O. Adeyemi
- A. F. Kehinde-Fadare
- O. O. Olajide
Manures are more environment-friendly and effective in improving soil fertility, hence their recent preference over inorganic fertilizers. Poultry manure is believed to be the most valuable manure produced by livestock. However, the application had always been only before sowing, unlike the inorganic fertilizers that are, generally, applied after sowing/planting of crops. Therefore, the effects of broiler droppings applied at different rates and times were evaluated on seed germination, growth and yield of leaf amaranths, during the raining season of year 2019. Broilers droppings were applied at 0, 30 and 50 tha-1, at 1 and 2 week (-s) before sowing, at sowing and 1 and 2 (week)s after sowing of amaranth seeds. The experiment was factorial and treatments were replicated thrice in a randomized complete block design. Growth parameters measured were: Plant height, number of leaves, stem girth, leaf area, number of germinated seeds , and yield were measured at 7, 8 and 9 weeks after sowing (WAS). The data generated were subjected to ANOVA at α0.05. At 7 WAS, application of 50 tha-1 manure at sowing produced the highest plant height (17 cm), stem girth (7.40 cm), number of harvested stands (18.33) and marketable yield (7.95 tha-1) with significant differences. At 8 WAS, the highest yield (5.83 tha-1 was obtained from plots treated with 30 tha-1 of poultry dung applied at 2 weeks before sowing while more seeds (27) germinated on both plots treated with 50 t/ha of broiler droppings applied at sowing and 1 WAS. The best recorded values for number of germinated seeds (27) and yield (2.83 tha-1) at 9 WAS were obtained from 50 tha-1 of broiler droppings applied at sowing. 50 t/ha of broiler droppings, at sowing compared well with poultry droppings applied at any rate before sowing.