Assessment of Information Needs of Shea Butter Processors’ on Modern Processing Technologies in North Central Agro-Ecological Zone of Nigeria
- L. Igene
- O. Solomon
- M. Osifo
- B. E. Akagbosu
To ensure sustainable shea butter production in North Central Agro-ecological zone of Nigeria using modern shea butter processing technologies necessitated this study. The major objective of the study was to identify the information needs of shea butter processors’ on modern shea butter processing technologies whilst examining the respondents’ socio-economic characteristics, ascertaining their awareness, areas of information needs, sources of information, and perception on the effect of inadequate information on modern processing technologies were the specific objectives. Primary data were collected from 216 processors’ using multi-stage sampling procedure. The data were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Findings revealed that most (90.3%) of the processors’ were females, young and married with little or no formal education and having between 6 to 15 years of processing experience. Respondents obtained information mostly from fellow processors ( =70) and cooperative societies ( = 67). Perceived areas of information need include kneading ( = 89), crushing ( = 88), roasting ( = 85) and milling ( = 84). Perceived effects of inadequate information on modern processing technologies were low yield of shea butter ( = 78), low income ( = 76), and local use of local technologies ( = 71) and poor packaging of shea butter ( = 78). Respondents’ sex (χ2 = 22.076, 0.000), educational level (χ2 = 86.983, 0.000) and years of processing experience (χ2 = 22.076, 0.000) had significant association with their perception of information needs. Creation of awareness on modern shea butter processing technologies through the use of more radio programmes aired at appropriate time and the use of leaflets produced both in English and local languages is recommended.
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- DOI:10.5539/sar.v8n1p59
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