A Sociological Study on Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman and All My Sons, Based on Georgy Lukacs’s Theories

  •  Fatemeh Pakdaman Shahri    


Society and its human relations have always had a mutual connection with arts and culture; thus, the majority of artistic creations have always reflected images of society in the very heart of them. Sociological Studies of art, as an independent field does have a long history, however with the rise of modern social fields of study in the 19th and 20th century, there has been a significant growth in sociological studies.

Georgy Lukacs as a pioneer theorist in the sociology of arts and literature has led a series of studies in the field of modern drama. This study has attempted to analyze Arthur Miller’s two significant plays, Death of a Salesman and All My Sons, based on Lukacs’s theories, along with discovering the methods, which Miller has depicted to process and interweave social concepts and phenomena within his works. This being done, a potential map has been drawn as a clear sample for dramatists of the modern era of playwriting on how to relate to social and cultural issues, not only in a descriptive method but in an analytical, critical way.

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