Administrative Aspects of Modernization in the Russian Regions
- Yuri Grigorievich Volkov
- Igor Alexandrovich Guskov
- Magomedgabib Gasankhanovich Magomedov
- Alexander Vasilievich Popov
- Rashid Dumalichevich Khunagov
Management of regions is a significant part of the current system of social management in Russia. It is beyond dispute that Russian regions vary greatly by economic, social, geo-climatic, and last but not least by ethno-cultural factors. The system of regional management of regions includes the mechanisms and instruments of relief, coordination and correction of different levels of administration. The article presents the trends of development of regions on the socioeconomic level. It also addresses the problems of current social and socioeconomic tendencies, and of advanced technologies in management.
- Full Text: PDF
- DOI:10.5539/res.v7n7p277
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
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