Propositional Frame-Based Description of Fragments of Teleuts’ Linguistic Worldview

  •  Araeva Liudmila Alekseevna    
  •  Artemova Tatiana Viktorovna    
  •  Bulgakova Olga Anatolievna    
  •  Kreydlin Grigory Ephimovich    
  •  Obraztsova Maria Nikolaievna    


The article presents a propositional connectedness between the frame “food” and the frames “horse-breeding” and “hunting” that, jointly analyzed, make it possible to reveal the peculiarities of associative frame connectedness kept in human long-term memory and expressing the uniqueness of the linguistic worldview of every nation (Teleuts in our case) through speech, which confirms Wittgenstein’s idea of diffusiveness of natural category boundaries. The language wanting everyday words and set expressions produced by analogy to stick to one’s memory and spring up in speech uses exactly the same models for compact thematic units. This pattern shows itself in different structurally organized languages: in flexional, agglutinative and isolating languages. The paper is the first to suggest the peculiarities of verbal and non-verbal communication in the arrangement of frames.

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