The Students’ Attitude to the Social Environment of the University: Cross-Cultural Aspect

  •  Elena Viktorovna Noskova    
  •  Irina Matveevna Romanova    


The article notes that increasing the international competitiveness of the university requires the consideration of many factors, including the social environment of the university. The purpose of this study is to develop a methodological approach to assess the impact of cross-cultural features on the students’ attitude toward the social environment of the university as a factor of its international competitiveness. In this study we developed a model of culture that reflects a list of cultural values, the characteristics of the material and institutional environment, which are adapted to the market of educational services of universities. We highlighted the elements of the social infrastructure of the university: housing and utilities, public catering and trade, consumer services, cultural and recreational, sports and fitness, communication. The proposed methodological approach was tested on Chinese and Russian students. The results of the study can be used to develop measures to improve the international competitiveness of the universities.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
  • ISSN(Print): 1918-7173
  • ISSN(Online): 1918-7181
  • Started: 2009
  • Frequency: semiannual

Journal Metrics

  • Google-based Impact Factor (2021): 0.85
  • h-index (December 2021): 35
  • i10-index (December 2021): 262
  • h5-index (December 2021): 18  
  • h5-median(December 2021): 24

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