Multi-Confessional Societies in Russia and India: Models of Relations between the State and Religious Associations

  •  Albina R. Fayzullina    
  •  Regina M. Mukhametzyanova-Duggal    


This paper explores an approach to understanding the optimum model of state-religious relations in secular multi-confessional countries, which is one of the most relevant issues of today. The purpose of the paper is to identify the features of a cooperative model of state-religious relations in Russia and India. The study is based on the comparative approach. Having analyzed the legal framework and the practice of implementing this model in Russia and India, we came to the conclusion that, despite the constitutional principles of the secular state and the equality of religious associations in the countries under study, certain elements of state religious preferences exist, however, they fall within the specified model. We believe, the information contained in the article will enable to better understand the causes of inter-confessional tensions and assist in finding ways to prevent conflicts involving religious communities not only in Russia and India, but also in other multi-confessional countries.

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