Mediating Effect of Psychological Contract in the Relationship between Learning and Development Initiatives and Engineers’ Intention to Stay

  •  Roya Anvari    
  •  Nurul Huzaid    
  •  Seyyed Miri    
  •  Siavash Chermahini    


The study sets out to explore the role of psychological contract in the relationship between learning and development (L&D) factors and intention to stay within engineering firms, based on the social exchange theory, a popular framework about psychological contract and maintenance of the employee-employer relationship. The exploration of current L&D (individual and organizational) initiatives will contribute theoretically as well as empirically towards an understanding of how to retain workers by examining a range of variables, from personal and organizational factors. The methodology used in this conceptual paper is a critical literature review that sparks argument on the subject discoursed. This paper addresses the gap by providing a discussion on the challenges of employee retention. The evaluation using L&D initiatives will not only create a holistic evaluation process, but it will also assist in fostering a sense of obligation to stay among employees in the organization.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
  • ISSN(Print): 1918-7173
  • ISSN(Online): 1918-7181
  • Started: 2009
  • Frequency: semiannual

Journal Metrics

  • Google-based Impact Factor (2021): 0.85
  • h-index (December 2021): 35
  • i10-index (December 2021): 262
  • h5-index (December 2021): 18  
  • h5-median(December 2021): 24

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