Environmental Issues and the Greenhouse Effects in Nigeria: The Church’s Approach
There is no doubt that the environment is witnessing a tremendous change due to several factors which have encumbered human society. Modern technology has brought in its wake several challenges which also inhibit the process of growth and development of mankind. Thus, one of the major discussions among contemporary scholars is the issue of global warming especially, in the recent times. It is both economically, in the politically important because of its effects and implications on humanity. In fact, this is the reason why governments all over the world are taking frantic efforts to mobilize both human and material resources so as to address this important issue.There has been a serious degree of abuse of nature by human beings all over the world. This abuse has posed serious challenged to human life and existence. It has also posed a serious threat to the integrity of the whole creation and peace on earth. This is the reason why scholars, particularly, theologians and scientists have taken keen interest in addressing the issue of ecological and environmental crises with its attendant greenhouse effects with the view to nipping their effects on humanity. Therefore, this paper addresses the spiraling effects of the environmental crises in Nigeria as well as the greenhouse debacle from the religo-scientific perspectives. The paper posited that religion also has a role to play in this matter.