River Erosion: Vulnerability & Its Social Consequences on the Life of Women: A Study at Chondonbaisha & Kutubpur in Sariakandi, Bogra
This paper explores women’s social conditions and vulnerability after the River Erosion (RE) at Sarikandi & Kutubpur in Bogra, Bangladesh. It discuss the vulnerability framework by Moser and capabilities approach by M. Nussbaum, then applies them to the study of deprivation of capabilities in the life these affected women. Here the research technique is both primary and secondary method and to collect data in standardized manner semi-structured questionnaire, In-depth Interview are used. RE is the most unpredictable type of disaster and due to it, every year a large number of people have displaced from their homestead. After RE these people, with their economic assets; also lose their social bonding. In rural area of Bangladesh, social bonding act as social capital but with displacement; all their bondage and capitals are gone. After migration in a new place, nothing is familiar to their previous life. Because of the unfamiliarity, they lose their practical reasoning as well as their ability to control over environment. Many initiatives are taken to help these destitute women but the most important initiatives; proper tributary management is not taken into concern yet. Without proper tributary management the threat and vulnerability will remain same to these women. So, proper concern about the issue is needed here. In this paper it has explored different arguments about the deprivation of capabilities and absence of agency in these women’s life. And at the end, there are given some recommendation in order to improve the social conditions of these women.