Prevalence of Children Witnessing Parental Violence
- Tuyen Nguyen
- Susan Larsen
This study examines the prevalence of children who witness domestic violence among their parents and the effects it has on their emotional health, specifically depression. A cross sectional survey design was used to identify the prevalence of children witnessing domestic violence in their homes. The study’s sample contained 150 children collected among churches, schools, social organizations in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. The results showed that out of 150 sampled children, 32% (n=48) had witnessed parental violence in the previous year. Among the sampled participants who had witnessed at least one episode of parental abuse, 25% (n=12) were identified as depressed as compared to 7% (n=7) of children who did not witness parental abuse over the past year. Based on the results obtained from conducting this present study, recommendations are provided for both parents and clinicians.