Health and Clinical Governance: A Systematic Literature Review
- Georgios L. Thanasas
- Konstantina Tatsi
- Andreas G. Koutoupis
- Leonidas G. Davidopoulos
- Ioannis C. Ploumpis
This systematic literature review covers the extant literature on health and clinical governance. Using a sample of 103 studies published in 2014-2022, we categorize those papers based on the methods employed, the theoretical framework, the thematology and others. We underline the interdisciplinary of the clinical governance, that mostly examined in developed countries through qualitative methodologies (case studies, surveys and others). Particularly, we give prominence to the need for conducting more research that employs a worldwide sample, quantitative methods that prove empirical evidence on the balance that needs to be achieved on, most of the time, conflicting matters that revolve around clinical and health governance.