The “Day After” Covid-19 Pandemic: Logistical Disorders in Perspective

  •  Gilles Paché    


Half of humanity experienced an unprecedented situation of lockdown during the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020. The sharp slowdown in trade and the shutdown of entire industrial and commercial sectors had major economic consequences, with a historic collapse in household consumption, particularly in Europe. One country after another decided to gradually organize a lockdown exit, taking into account the heavy health constraints involved. This lockdown exit, and the resulting boom of trade, is likely to come up against a major disruption of supply chains, which needs to be evaluated now. The research note proposes an exploratory reflection on a unique situation since the WW II, and the logistical implications of what can be called the “day after” the Covid-19 pandemic. In order to limit serious disorders in product flow monitoring, the question of a moderate rhythm of lockdown exit and economic recovery is raised.

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