Quality Education Accreditation of the United States and Vietnam's Management Model

  •  Nguyen Duc Hanh    


Accreditation is a solution for improving the quality of education in higher education institutions. Quality accreditation plays a dominant role that supports quality assurance management in the higher education system. The accreditation frameworks and external quality assurance are different between countries. The United States started quality accreditation very early, so it has a robust educational quality accreditation system, excellent support for the development of higher education institutions. Vietnam has only begun to conduct quality accreditation in recent years. At present, there are still some differences between Vietnam and the United States in quality management activities, but education quality accreditation of Vietnam is approximately similar the United States and carried out in three models: the model of central control of quality assurance of state; model of quality assurance combining between state control with the market competition; and model in which the state primarily leave responsibility for quality assurance to self-accrediting universities.

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