Reviewer Acknowledgements for Review of European Studies, Vol 11, No. 2

  •  Paige Dou    


Review of European Studies wishes to acknowledge the following individuals for their assistance with peer review of manuscripts for this issue. Their help and contributions in maintaining the quality of the journal are greatly appreciated. Review of European Studies is recruiting reviewers for the journal. If you are interested in becoming a reviewer, we welcome you to join us. Please find the application form and details at and e-mail the completed application form to Reviewers for Volume 11, Number 2 Alex Almici, Università degli Studi di Brescia, Italy Ana Souto, Nottingham Trent University, UK Anna Cebotari, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, Republica Moldova Bing Hiong Ngu, The University of New England, Australia Carmen Ramos, University of Oviedo, Spain Dave Williams, Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland Edwards, Beverly L, Fayetteville State University Department of Social Work, United States Emilio Greco, "Sapienza" University of Rome, Italy Gabriela Gruber, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania George Mathew Nalliveettil, Aljouf University, Saudi Arabia George Touche, Texas A&M University, USA Katja Eman, University of Maribor, Slovenia Lena Arampatzidou, Aristotle University Of Thessaloniki, Greece Maheran Zakaria, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia Maria Pescaru, University of Pitești, ROMANIA Meenal Tula, University of Hyderabad, India Nasina Md, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia Natalija Vrecer, Slovenian Institute for Adult Education (SIAE), Slovenia Nunzia Di Cristo Bertali, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom Patrick van Esch, Moravian College, Australia & US Sara Núñez Izquierdo, University of Salamanca, Spain Savanam Chandra Sekhar, St. Ann’s College of Engineering & Technology, Chirala, India Skaidrė Žičkienė, Šiauliai University, Lithuania Smita M. Patil, School of Gender and Development Studies, India Tryfon Korontzis, Hellenic National School of Local Government , Greece Vicenta Gisbert, Universidad de La Laguna, Spain

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