Computer-Aided-Instruction (CAI) as an Innovative Method for Optimizing the Quality of Social Studies Lecturers in Nigerian Tertiary Institutions for Quality Teacher Education in Nigeria

  •  Mezieobi, Daniel Ibeawuchi    
  •  Onyeanusi, Obiageli C.    
  •  Chukwu, Peter N.    
  •  Chukwu, Chineyere Loveth    


This study focused on Computer-Aided-Instruction (CAI) as an innovative method for optimizing the quality of Social Studies lecturers in Nigerian tertiary institutions for quality teacher education in Nigeria. To achieve the purpose of this study, three research questions were posed to guide the study. The study adopted descriptive survey research design. The population of the study consisted of all the one hundred and sixty-two (162) Social studies education lecturers in public universities and colleges of education in South-East, Nigeria. A sample of 108 social studies lecturers was drawn for the study, using cluster sampling technique. Relevant data for the study were collected using a “Questionnaire on Effectiveness of CAI in Optimizing the Quality of Social Studies Lecturers in Nigerian Tertiary Institutions”. Data collected were analysed using mean and standard deviation. The findings of the study indicated that: many social studies lecturers are not acquainted with the requisite knowledge and skills for teaching social studies; a good number of social studies lecturers are not acquainted with CAI as an innovative trend for accessing information; and that CAI helps in optimizing the quality of social studies lecturers in Nigerian tertiary institutions. Following the findings of this study, conclusion was drawn and recommendations were made to include that professionally qualified social studies lecturers should be recruited to teach social studies in Nigerian tertiary institutions, social studies lecturers ought to update their computer competences among others.    

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