Strategies for Mainstreaming Education for Sustainability into the Nigerian Social Studies Teacher Education Programme

  •  Olalekan Elijah Ojedokun    


This paper supports the advocacy for a sustainable future and discusses the strategies that could be adopted in order to make Social Studies, an integrated social science subject in the Nigerian school curricula which is saddled with the responsibility of promoting informed citizenry to educate for sustainability. Issues surrounding the prospect of using Social Studies to teach the rudiments of Education for Sustainability are discussed after having examined the strength, weakness, opportunities and strength of Social Studies, especially at the level of teacher education. The study concluded that the threat to Social Studies which are enormous may need to be quickly addressed so that teacher education institutions may have clear-cut directions on how to mainstream the learning content of Education for Sustainability into the subject and consequently prepare preservice teachers that are critical and holistic in their thinking to handle a more robust holistic Social Studies in the primary and secondary schools in Nigeria.

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