The Use of Weblog as Innovative Tool for Environmental Advocacy of College and Graduate School Students
- Ava Clare Marie Robles
Environmental deprivation is now becoming a grave concern in this century. The massive progression of technology somehow resulted to a negative rebound effect to the life supporting capacity of natural ecosystems. Despite of this technological downbeat, people are becoming dependent on technology, which is now reshaping the lifestyle of every person. This increasing technological dependence, however, makes it imperative for institutions to offer an innovative tool to optimize environmental awareness.
Recognizing the potential of technology on environmental advocacy, this paper presents a concrete innovation on how weblog be used to promote environmental sustainability to make it responsive to the sustainability mantra. Moreover, this study employed a descriptive-comparative design to determine the difference between the attitudes of college and graduate school students towards the use of weblog as a tool for environmental advocacy. Independent T-test was utilized to compare its mean difference.
Pulled by the increasing challenge on environmental sustainability, this successful innovation has been developed, and found to be significant and attainable. Results revealed that college and master’s students have a positive attitude towards weblog as a tool for environmental advocacy.
Practical Implications - The key ingredient of this innovation is to utilize weblog as a platform to develop environmental advocacy for college and graduate students. This innovation is highly suitable for multi-disciplinary students; and is supported by the actual, students’ output which can be found in the website.
- Full Text: PDF
- DOI:10.5539/jsd.v5n8p84
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