Urban Solid Residues Management: An Analysis from Sobral-CE/Brazil
- Gabriel Wallace Moreira Arcanjo
- Jander Barbosa Monteiro
Integrated Solid Residues Management can be understood as a way of designing, implementing and managing urban solid residues management systems, considering a broad participation of sectors of society and having sustainable development as a perspective. However, the excessive consumption of post-modern society has contributed to the increase in residues generation, especially in urban centers and, allied to this, the precarious Brazilian scenario regarding the management and logistics of disposal and treatment of residues, ending up trigger great harm in the environmental and socio-economic context. The main objective of this research was to analyze the current context regarding the management of urban solid residues in the city of Sobral-Ce, considering from the adequacy to PNRS, socio-environmental impacts associated with in appropriate residue disposal, as well as measures implemented by the city hall in mitigation of such impacts. The methodology used was descriptive and exploratory research. The results indicate that, despite the existence of public policies (in the initial phase) aimed at the correct disposal of solid residues in the city of Sobral, it was possible to verify during the field research that, in almost all neighborhoods of the city, there is inadequate accumulation of residues. Therefore, it is necessary, even if in the implementation phase, the elaboration of the integrated plans is really effective, as well as measures implemented by the city hall in the mitigation of such impacts.
- Full Text: PDF
- DOI:10.5539/jsd.v16n6p12
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