Analysis of the Jurisdiction of the Courts of First Instance of Turkey

  •  Ravil R. Zainashev    
  •  Idris M. Gilmanov    
  •  Muhamat M. Gilmanov    


The article presents three periods from the history of the legal system of Turkey, the knowledge of which will allow for objective scientific research. Indeed, each period has contributed to the development of the judicial system. Of particular importance will be the attitude of the legislator to the justice of the peace in criminal matters with a maximum sentence of up to 1 year in prison. The latter since 2014 were abolished and their load was redistributed to a higher authority. France did likewise, which also rejected justice of the peace.

In addition, this study addresses the issues of the accelerated process, which was either introduced or canceled. In Russia, a simplified legal procedure has been successfully applied. Most European countries apply simplified the legal procedure to criminal offenses for which the maximum sanction of punishment is up to five years in prison. In Turkey, a simplified legal procedure was applied to criminal offenses with a maximum sentence of up to 2 years in prison. Despite a small sanction and tendencies in other countries to introduce simplified procedures, the Turkish legislator refused this practice.

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