Vol. 10, No. 3 (2018), Journal of Geography and Geology
- Characterization of Potential Direct Recharge in the Gold Mining District of South-Western Ghana Using the Hydrus-1D Computer Code
- Frederick Sam
- George Amoako
- Baah Sefa-Ntiri
- Anthony Twum
- P. Mensah-Amoah
- John Tellam
- p1
- Karst within the Confining unit of the Floridan Aquifer: A Geophysical Investigation
- Can Denizman
- Donald M. Thieme
- p12
- A Spectral Analysis of Snow in Mt. Rainier
- Shrinidhi Ambinakudige
- Pushkar Inamdar
- Aynaz Lotfata
- p20
- Sanaga Fault: Evidence of Neotectonics and Landscape Evolution in Edéa Region (Cameroon, Centre-Africa)
- Augustin P. Moussango Ibohn
- François Mvondo Owono
- Bernard Njom
- Simon P. Mbog Bassong
- Jean-Paul Sep Nlomngan
- Sebastien Owona
- Georges E. Ekodeck
- p57
- The Desna River Daily Multi-Site Streamflow Modeling Using SWAT with Detail Snowmelt Adjustment
- Valeriy Osypov
- Nataliia Osadcha
- Dmytro Hlotka
- Volodymyr Osadchyi
- Juriy Nabyvanets
- p92
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
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Google-based Impact Factor (2018): 11.90
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h5-index (January 2018): 13
h5-median(January 2018): 15
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- Lesley LuoEditorial Assistant
- jgg@ccsenet.org