Vol. 9, No. 3 (2017), Journal of Geography and Geology
- Production of Global Land Cover Data – GLCNMO2013
- Toshiyuki Kobayashi
- Ryutaro Tateishi
- Bayan Alsaaideh
- Ram Sharma
- Takuma Wakaizumi
- Daichi Miyamoto
- Xiulian Bai
- Bui Long
- Gegentana Gegentana
- Aikebaier Maitiniyazi
- Destika Cahyana
- Alifu Haireti
- Yohei Morifuji
- Gulijianati Abake
- Rendy Pratama
- Naijia Zhang
- Zilaitigu Alifu
- Tomohiro Shirahata
- Lan Mi
- Kotaro Iizuka
- Aimaiti Yusupujiang
- Fedri Rinawan
- Richa Bhattarai
- Dong Phong
- p1
- A Study of Architecture of Thin Interlayer within Meandering River Monosandbody of Thick-Bedded Oil Layers
- Jingfu Shan
- Zhipeng Lin
- Le Chen
- Bo Liu
- Wei Fang
- Le Zhang
- Lili Xie
- p16
- Forestation in Puerto Rico, 1970s to Present
- Fei Yuan
- Jose Lopez
- Sabrina Arnold
- Anna Brand
- Jonas Klein
- Maureen Schmidt
- Erin Moseman
- Madeline Michels-Boyce
- p30
- Mineralogical and Geochemical Trends in the Residual Soils above Basement Rocks in Ore Area, Southwestern Nigeria
- Adewole John Adeola
- Emmanuel Tamunobelema Tubonemi
- p42
- TREVPAR’s Rates Development, Average Income and OCC of Brazilian’s Resorts During 2014/2015 Two-Year-Time
- Antonio Carlos Bonfato
- Barbara Hansing
- Erica Casarini Silva
- p59
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
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Google-based Impact Factor (2018): 11.90
h-index (January 2018): 17
i10-index (January 2018): 36
h5-index (January 2018): 13
h5-median(January 2018): 15
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- Norwegian Centre for Research Data (NSD)
- Open J-Gate
- PKP Open Archives Harvester
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- Ulrich's
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- WorldCat
- Lesley LuoEditorial Assistant
- jgg@ccsenet.org