Recent Trends in Temperature and Relative Humidity in Bawku East, Northern Ghana

  •  Frimpong K.    
  •  Oosthuizen J.    
  •  Van Etten J.    


Extensive analyses of trends in mean annual and mean seasonal minimum and maximum temperatures and relative humidity were examined for Bawku East, northern Ghana, for the period 1961 to 2012. Mean monthly maximum and minimum temperatures were used to analyse and establish recent temperature trends on an annual and seasonal basis. The year was divided into rainy and dry seasons for the seasonal trends. Mean monthly relative humidity at 6 am and 3 pm from 1961 to 2012 were considered to show recent trends in humidity since temperature and humidity interact to determine the heat exposure for outdoor workers. Regression analysis was used to illustrate trends and calculate mean yearly and seasonal rate of change. A Durbin-Watson statistical test was employed to verify autocorrelation of the residuals of the trend models and none was detected. Results showed a gradual and statistically significant rise in both mean minimum and mean maximum temperatures at two stations (Manga and Garu). There was an inconsistent pattern of trend observed at the third station (Binduri). Declining trends in relative humidity were observed at 6 am and 3 pm at seasonal and annual levels at Binduri and Garu, while there was a rising trend in relative humidity at Manga. The importance of this study hinges on the linkage between heat exposure (temperature and air humidity) and human health in the wake of climate change on outdoor farmers in developing countries who spend many hours doing manual work in the heat. On the whole, the rising temperature has impacted on ecosystem services in the study area.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
  • ISSN(Print): 1916-9779
  • ISSN(Online): 1916-9787
  • Started: 2009
  • Frequency: semiannual

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