Geochemistry of the Um Had Plutonites, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt: Implications for Magma Evolution, and Tectonic Setting

  •  Nedal Qaoud    


Geochemistry of gabbroid and granitoid plutonites from the Um Had area indicates island arc subalkaline basic magma with tholeiitic affinity and calc-alkaline, metaluminous and slightly peraluminous magma, respectively. Although different in age both plutonite types were emplaced under compressional regime, where subduction-related environment was dominant. They were formed under relatively low to moderate water-vapour pressure (1–5 k-bars) at moderate depths (20–30 km). Biotite granites were formed at a relatively high temperature range (800–840 °C), while biotite-muscovite granites were formed under relatively moderate temperature conditions (760–800 °C). These two units may represent evolution from island arc to active continental margin. It is suggested that island arc gabbros might have sourced the late subduction-related calc-alkaline granitoids during the waning stages of the pan-African orogeny. The I-type nature of the investigated plutonites in the study area and elsewhere suggests the juvenile character of the basement complex of the Eastern Desert of Egypt.

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  • ISSN(Print): 1916-9779
  • ISSN(Online): 1916-9787
  • Started: 2009
  • Frequency: semiannual

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