Agronomic Performance and Multivariate Analysis Applied to Three-Waycross Maize Hybrids

  •  Tiago Corazza da Rosa    
  •  Ivan Ricardo Carvalho    
  •  Vinicius Jardel Szareski    
  •  Alan Junior de Pelegrin    
  •  Mauricio Horbach Barbosa    
  •  Nathan Lobler dos Santos    
  •  Tamires da Silva Martins    
  •  Adriel Somavilla Uliana    
  •  Velci Queiróz de Souza    


The aim of this wok was to evaluate the agronomic performance of three-waycross maize hybrids grown in different environments, to determine linear associations and to employ multivariate analysis for the measured traits. The experimental design used was randomized blocks in factorial scheme, arranged in three replicates. The three-way cross maize hybrids evaluated evidence phenotypic variability for the traits spike diameter, spike length, number of rows with grains, number of grains per row, cob mass and spike grains mass. The growing environment of Campos Borges-RS favors the increment of spike diameter, number of grains per row, spike mass, cob diameter, cob mass, mass of a thousand grains, spike grains mass and grain yield. Significant interactions between three-way cross maize hybrids and growing environments are verified for plant height, spike insertion height and prolificity. The traits spike diameter, mass of a thousand grains and mass of grains per spike present positive correlation with maize grain yield. The distinction of three-way cross hybrids is based on spike insertion height, spike diameter, plant height and mass of a thousand grains. The hybrids 2B688 HX® and 2A55 HX® are genetically closer, according to the biometric approach of canonical variables.

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