Effect of Different NaCl Concentrations on Germinations Period of Oil Sunflower Seeds (Helianthus annuus L.) Grown in the Black Sea Region

  •  Volkan Gül    
  •  Burcu Dinler    
  •  Ufkun Sarisoy    


This study was carried out to determine the effects of different NaCl doses (0, 50, 100, 150 and 200 mM) on the seeds which obtained from the 6 regions in the Central Black Sea, where cultivated sunflower (Bafra, Vezirköprü, Havza, Merzifon, Çorum and Turhal) in 2016. In the experiment, germination rate, germination time, rootlet and tiller length of the seeds were measured. It was found that the seed samples showed different responses to NaCl doses and correspondingly germination rates were 36.3-86.0%, germination times were 4.68-6.05 day, rootlet lengths were 2.36-8.35 cm, tiller lengths were 3.06-9.13 cm. Increasing NaCl doses had a negative effect on the seed samples in the way of the parameters examined except that some seeds. Especially, 100 mM, 150 and 200 mM NaCl doses reduced germination and seedling in sunflower plants.

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