Linear Programming-Based Optimization of Synthetic Fertilizers Formulation

  •  Bassam Aldeseit    


Linear least-cost programming was used in formulating three NPK labeled synthetic fertilizers. Linear Programming technique was selected to formulate the appropriate composition of the three synthetic fertilizers mixes with least costs of production and optimum potential to increase yield of crops and soil fertility. Data about fertilizers specifications and constraints imposed on the fertilizers components were collected from 30 synthetic fertilizers plants. Costs of ingredients used in fertilizers formulation were obtained from the prevailing market prices. The results of the study prevailed that the least cost synthetic fertilizer combinations of the three studied fertilizer mixes among many calculated combinations was 672 JDs for the first mix with NPK label of 20-20-20, 669 JDs for the second mix with NPK label of 15-30-15, and 754 JDs for the third mix with NPK label of 12-12-36. These all three costs are lower by nearly 5-10% than those imposed by the market. These results confirm the importance of using techniques such as LP to formulate least cost products in industries such as synthetic fertilizers industry.

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