Adopter Categories in Respect to a Transplanted Monsoon Rice Variety in two Selected Villages of Bangladesh
- Modabber Ahmed Khan
- Kwang-Hwa Jeong
- A. S. M. Ziaul Karim
- Eun-Jong Kim
- Muttaquinur Rahman
The purpose of this study was to determine and describe the extent of adoption, innovativeness and adopter categories in respect to a transplanted monsoon rice variety (TMRV) growers. Attempts were also made to explore the relationships of five selected attributes of TMRV and 15 selected characteristics of TMRV growers with the growers’ adoption and innovativeness. A total of 106 Binasail (is known as T. aman or monsoon variety) growers were selected randomly from 480 farm family heads of two selected villages of Bangladesh. Personal interview schedule was used for collecting data. The findings revealed that majority (59%) of the Binasail growers had medium adoption towards Binasail while 26% had high and 15% had low adoption. In addition, 72% of the Binasail growers had medium innovativeness, as compared to 17% and 11% having high and low innovativeness, respectively. In case of adopter categorizations, 5% of the adopter farmers were innovators, 12% early adopters, 35% in early majority, 37% in the late majority and 11% were laggards in respect to adoption of Binasail rice. Correlation analyses indicate that the few attributes of Binasail rice had significant and positive relationship with the adoption of Binasail rice by the farmers, while all the five selected attributes were significantly and positively associated with innovativeness of the farmers. Findings further showed that the characteristics of the farmers such as age, education, farm size, contact with block supervisor (BS), mass contact, cosmopoliteness, organizational participation and attitude towards Binasail had significant and positive relationship with their adoption of Binasail rice. It was also found that farmers’ education, farm size, contact with BS, organizational participation and attitude towards Binasail were significantly and positively accompanied with their innovativeness in respect to Binasail rice.