Growth and Yield Parameters of Mesta Varieties as Influenced by Spacing and Nutrient Sources
- K. Pushpa
- N. Krishna Murthy
- R. Krishna Murthy
Field experiment was conducted at GKVK, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, Karnataka to study the growth and yield parameters of mesta as influenced by varieties, spacing and nutrient sources.The plant height at harvest stage varied significantly due to different plant spacing, varieties and nutrient sources. Among the varieties, HS-108 recorded significantly higher plant height (275.5 cm) and total dry matter (25.01 g) than AMV-4. The seed yield differed significantly due to different plant spacing, varieties and nutrient sources. Among the varieties, AMV-4 recorded significantly higher seed yield (754.5 kg ha-1) than HS-108 (581.5 kg ha-1). Significantly higher seed yield was recorded under 45 cm x 10 cm spacing (687 kg ha-1) than 30 cm x 10 cm (649.5 kg ha-1). Further, application of 5 t of FYM per ha along with 40:20:20 kg NPK per ha fertilizer registered higher seed yield (698.0 kg ha-1) compared to 100 per cent N equivalent through FYM (625.5 kg ha-1). The fibre yield differed significantly due to different plant spacing, varieties and nutrient sources. Among the varieties, HS-108 recorded significantly higherfibre yield (948 kg ha-1) than AMV-4 (850 kg ha-1). Significantly higher fibre yield was recorded under 45 cm x 10 cm spacing (923 kg ha-1) than 30 cm x 10 cm (875 kg ha-1). Further, application of 5 t of FYM per ha along with 40:20:20 kg NPK per ha fertilizer registered higher fibre yield (962 kg ha-1) compared to 100 per cent N equivalent through FYM (803 kg ha-1). The interaction effects between varieties, plant spacing and nutrient sources were found to be significant.