Can Molecular Ampelography Identify a Grapevine Variety in the Absence of Any Ampelographic Inputs?

  •  Georgios Merkouropoulos    
  •  George Doupis    


Is it possible to identify a grapevine variety without looking at the phenotype? Could someone reach a correct varietal identification solely based on molecular inputs? How trustful could the empirical names the grapevine growers use for the autochthonous grapevine varieties they cultivated for many decades? The current manuscript explores these questions and provides evidence supporting the concept that molecular ampelography—in terms of SSR data—could lead to an accurate varietal identification, while also sets the prerequisites for this to occur: i) a large number of samples collected from diverse cultivation areas should be analyzed, ii) multiple samples of the same variety should be included in the analysis, and iii) only local grapevine material should be considered and used in the analysis. Inclusion of reference samples (that have been properly described in ampelographic terms and are maintained in reference collections) increases the confidence of the outcome.

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