One New Host Records of Apiospora arundinis From Lactarius vividus

  •  Jing Wang    
  •  Zhong-Xuan Liu    
  •  Ming-Fa Pan    
  •  Yi-Hua Yang    


In this investigation, morphological traits and phylogenetic analyses of multiple genes, including ITS, 28S, tub2, and tef1, were employed to classify a companion fungus extracted from the fresh fruiting bodies of Lactarius vividus in China. The fungus was identified as Apiospora arundinis, marking the first instance of its isolation from a mushroom. Subsequent research into its biological characteristics revealed that the mycelium was the optimal condition of 30 oC, pH7 and grew well in medium containing soluble starch and peptidic sugars. It was also observed that this fungus was resent in the fruiting bodies of Lactarius vividus, and its hyphal growth was influenced by temperature, pH, and media composition. These findings lay a foundation for additional research and practical applications of Apiospora arundinis, which are of great significance for the storage and preservation of Lactarius vividus, guiding the cultivation of mycorrhizal seedlings, and exploring the mechanism and mechanism, but the specific principles need to be further explored.

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