What Are the Most Efficacious Herbicides Applied Postemergence for Control of Multiple-Herbicide-Resistant Canada Fleabane [Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronq.] in Corn?

  •  Nader Soltani    
  •  Christian Willemse    
  •  Peter H. Sikkema    


Multiple-herbicide-resistant (MHR) Canada fleabane [Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronq.] control has become a major concern for corn producers in Ontario. Postemergence (POST) herbicides are critical for the control of emerged MHR Canada fleabane in corn. A study that consisted of five field experiments was conducted in southwestern Ontario in fields with confirmed MHR Canada fleabane to evaluate various herbicide mixtures applied POST for the control of MHR Canada fleabane in corn. Glyphosate + 2,4-D amine, glyphosate/2,4-D choline, glyphosate + clopyralid, glyphosate + S-metolachlor/mesotrione/bicyclopyrone, glyphosate + tolpyralate + atrazine, glyphosate + dicamba, glyphosate + dicamba/atrazine, glyphosate + S-metolachlor/mesotrione/ atrazine, glyphosate + mesotrione + atrazine, glyphosate + bromoxynil + atrazine, glyphosate + S-metolachlor/ mesotrione/bicyclopyrone/atrazine, glyphosate/S-metolachlor/mesotrione + atrazine, glyphosate/dicamba + tembotrione, glyphosate + tembotrione + bromoxynil, glyphosate/dicamba + tembotrione + atrazine, and glyphosate + tembotrione + atrazine applied POST provided 63-99% control, 77-100% density reduction, and 88-100% shoot biomass reduction of MHR Canada fleabane in corn. MHR Canada fleabane interference reduced corn yield up to 58%; reduced MHR Canada fleabane interference with all herbicide treatments resulted in corn yield similar to the weed-free control. Results of this study indicate that among the herbicide mixtures evaluated glyphosate + mesotrione + atrazine, glyphosate + bromoxynil + atrazine, glyphosate + S-metolachlor/ mesotrione/bicyclopyrone/atrazine, glyphosate/S-metolachlor/mesotrione + atrazine, glyphosate/dicamba + tembotrione, glyphosate + tembotrione + bromoxynil, glyphosate/dicamba + tembotrione + atrazine, and glyphosate + tembotrione + atrazine applied POST provided the most consistent control of MHR Canada fleabane in corn.

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